Saturday 24 January 2015

You know you are tall when

You know you are tall when:

1. you and your girlfriend look like positive and negative terminals of battery circuit symbol( I am an Electrical engineering student. I had to make this joke.)

2.your parents are ashamed to walk beside not cause of your deeds but because of your height. ( I am a Indian guy. So opinion of my parents matters a lot.) are requested to click the groupies not because you are good at clicking them but because you have long hands.(sad but true)

4.everyone stares at you at wedding receptions not because you are good looking but because you are tall.(and ugly)

5.Indian aunties joke about how your mom is not going to get her "bahu" because your mother won't be able to find a tall girl for you.( they naturally assume that I don't have a girlfriend.)

6.your friends spend half the time wondering how you will kiss your girlfriend.

7.people naturally assume that you play basketball.

8.your teachers and parents don't slap you cause they can't reach your cheeks.( I am a good boy) get caught first when you are in a group and do stupid shit. scare the shit out of kids.

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