Saturday 3 January 2015

Why being in a relationship is exactly like preparing for entrance exams

"Nothings more tedious than dating a girl and/or preparing for entrance exams".
-William 'preparing for JEE' Shakespeare

Remember the first class you attended at your coaching institute? How you thought your life would change after you got in to IIT? How your coaching institute's finest teacher inspired you? How you will give up hanging out with your friends, give up watching t.v just to work hard and get into a reputed college?
Now compare them with how you felt the first time you saw your girlfriend. How you thought your life would change after you fall in love? How she will inspire you to be a better man? How you thought your life will change once you get into a relationship with her? How you will give up looking at other girls just for her? This is the time you should realize your life is going to fuck you in your ass.
Now try and analyze how the first 2-3 months of your coaching went. You did all your assignments on time, tried to score good marks in tests and you started studying till late in the night. Now try the same for your relationship. How you never left a chance to say how much you love her, how much you tried to keep her happy and how to talked with her till late in the night.
Now think about the time till 3-4 months before your entrance exams. Remember how you had neglected your studies, how you no longer cared about how much marks you secured in your tests? Now do the same for your relationship. Think how you no longer could bear her constant blabbering and how you no longer cared if you were in a relationship or not?
Enter the timeline just 2 months before your entrance exams. You realize how you are a total mess. How fucked you are if you don't crack your entrance exams? How you had no other option but to study? How try to think about the time your girlfriend stops giving you "bhao"and starts eating "bhao"herself? How you realize that you have no other option but give ample attention to your girlfriend?
Now the ending part depends on you. In case you were doing double time you probably managed to stay in a relationship or after reading this blog you are going to search "Sunny Leone"in Google and do what you ought to do in a IIT or NIT with your "half-girlfriend"(your hand). And in rarest of rare cases you are in a reputed institute and chatting away with your girlfriend.
P.S- I hope my girlfriend doesn't read this blog.

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