Thursday 13 August 2015

What's wrong with banyans.

Recently I saw this advertisement of Ranbir Singh where he wears a Rupa Frontline banyan and goes on singing the benefits of wearing a Rupa banyan. And in the background are Russian girls going ga-ga over his macho personality. It got me thinking about what's wrong with banyans and their shitty advertisements.

 This is how banyan ads show a man wearing a banyan looks like:

 This is how banyan ads show  a man:
This is how he looks like in real life:
Look like God was messing with us Indian men when he created us. Like Jesus must have called up Prophet Mohammad and Vishnu and said "Bros now I am going to make a practical joke. So what I am gonna do is take a man and fill his entire body with hair and just for fun I am gonna put him in the hottest place on Earth".  And the joke didn't end there. Gods even gave us Indian men big man boobs. Now some intelligent guy realised "Hey I totally need something to support my man boobs." and thus he created the Indian banyan. Like if having hair and living in the world's hottest place wasn't enough we now had to wear a banyan under our shirts. That's cruel. And to make matters worse we Indian men totally judge a girl whose bra straps are visible. We must realise that's okay cause we ourselves are wearing man bras too. Yeah "man-bras" that's what they should actually be called. And if someone could please go and tell Amul Macho that there is no "aram se" in wearing a banyan/man-bra.                                                                                                                                                                   


  1. seriously bro ... man-bra ... hahahaha

  2. You are Lord should realise it's importance.
